Sortie a Paris!! -First day-

31 Julai 2010, since it's holiday until Monday, all of the FP11 decides that we should travel to somewhere, so, to be precise, we decide to go to Paris!! Paris, here we come!!Well, it takes 1+ hour via TGV(train grande vitesse), though...

In the Paris metro(subway train)...for your information, the metros here are quite old than the train in Malaysia, so, don't even hope they were air-conditioned....

Oh, lupe pulak...selalu kalau jalan2 ataupun masuk metro nanti jumpe la mamat macam ni...first die mula main muzik, then, die minta duit for his performance...bukan aku despise orang macam ni, tapi die macam suruh kite bayar untuk performance yang mungkin kite sendiri tak nak tengok...this shows how seriously unemployment problem in France, especially the artists whose not significant in their field, so, they continue doing street performance to earn some money to continue his life...but, this is better than those who become beggars , although they have the ability and strength to do any works(especially the youngsters..)...

"Ok, semua dah ade?Lepas ni kita nak pergi embassy of Malaysia, ok?But before that, kita makan dulu!!"

Here in Paris, we stay in a hotel named F1 because the fees are quite cheap per night...

Agneau briyani ataupun nasi beriani kambing...memang membangkitkan rasa rindu kepada makanan Malaysia....nyam3

Voila, here we are, in front(actually back door) of embassy of Malaysia...


Yang kiri tu Mr Jefri pegawai/representative from Malaysia Tourism dan yang kanan tu Mr Faris, pegawai JPA/responsable kami dekat France ni....

"Wah...semua muke macam tengah kebulur je, ye la ade kuih bakar kan?takpe, makan je....."

Ok, next destination...Arc de Triomphe!!Walawei, at last my dream since HKBP(Hari Kebudayaan Bahasa Perancis peringkat SBP) comes true!!...reason?sebab mase HKBP tu buat bangunan ni lah...hehe, anyway, since this monument is quite near with the famous Champ-Elysees road, we also walk along it....

"open-air + double decker+ bus..."

"Hehe, posing jap"

Buat2 tak kenal pulak menara sebelah kiri aku ni(keluar dalam cerita G.I.Joe, kot...) last(berape banyak kali dah...), dapat juga tengok La Tour Eiffel yang real!!This picture was taken from the observatory deck...member2 tu ade yang buat style pelik2, tapi aku cool(ceh...) je, hehe, takde la...humm...perasaan mase nampak menara ni?Emm...happy tu memang la, tapi not very enthusiastic upon seeing this tower, I don't know why, maybe I should climb it up?

"Huhu...candlelight dinner, ek?Romantiknye..."

Anyway, next place is Panda Wok!!

"Cutenye panda dua ekor tu...macam nak bawa balik je, hehe..."

Ape special sgt pasal restoran ni?Haha, actually this is one of the famous spot for the Parisien(Paris inhabitants) because it's all-you-can-eat, its food are, ape lagi, mentakedarah la sumer orang kat restoran ni...

"makan, jangan tak makan..."

After we dine and drink to the fullest, the muslims perform their prayer upstairs...and then, we return to our hotel...aduih, mengantuknye, jam dah nak pukul 1 dah, vite2...nanti terlepas last metro pulak...

"Kepenatan dan kekenyangan melampau, so jawapannye, tidur la!!"

Therefore, to be continued in the second part...


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