Sortie a Paris!! -Second day-

Oh, it's already the second day in Paris...without realizing the time flows's already dawn, remarking the new day to continue unfinished journey...

Ok, briefing sikit, today, we went to Sacre-coeur(Sacred-heart) situated in Anvers. For your information, this is one of the famous tourists spots in Paris(ye la, dah ramai orang datang...). Oh, anyway, it's actually a big cathedral which situated on the summit(ye ke?) of a hill, so you can see some parts of Paris from above...well, it's guaranteed that the view is breathtaking...

Hm...looks reminiscing, right?This cable car looks like the one at the Bukit Bendera, Penang....well, at what you see, it helps us to get to above...and luckily, we didn't need to buy new ticket because we can use our metro ticket for this, quite convenience...oh, by the way, you can use stairs to get up there if you wish...


Voila, this is the Sacre-coeur's quite packed with many Christian devotees since it is Sunday...oh, I forgot to mention that some vendors will try to cheat's their tricks, first they come "kindly"(you will know, why I mention this) to you and ask you to show your hand and then, suddenly, they knot a kind of rope around your waist and demand you to pay for that, usually 2 euros...well, my advice, if you were tricked, just pay for that because they can be quite furious if you don't or just ready with scissor and cut the rope, and coolly, give that back to them(never tries it yet, perhaps it will work, haha...)

Oh, this is the road behind the cathedral, it's packed with street artists and the shops sell quite cheap souvenirs(I like their shirts' designs!!)...well, I had a bitter memory here(resulted from myself) was when my friends were busy with their shopping, I walk alone along this street, then, suddenly an artist told me to stop, because he wants to draw myself, I said that I don't want to, but ignoring me, he starts to draw and left me perplexed...unfortunately, I choose to follow the flow and hoping the price will be cheap...when he's drawing , he's quite 'kind'(ala, kind of sweet-talking la...), then after he finished it, he said the price for the sketch is 30 euros!!!What the heck?!Is he thinks he is a professional artist?!Then, I said I just got 10 euros at me(lebur 10 euro aku, nasib2...), then he believed it and I gave that amount in haste, grabbed the drawing and left him(marah juga la masa tu)...takpe la, pengalaman...

Ok, time never wait for me to weep for my cheated money, so, we continue our journey to the new destination, to the Musee du Louvre!!So, we stops at the Concorde station and then(forgot already, but I think we went to another station after that...)

Oh, macam kenal je struktur benda ni....this is one of the Freemason Organization's symbols...the Obelisque, derived from ancient Egypt's building...actually I don't want to take this picture but I take it because I want to show that the Freemason Organization is already rooted in France since long time ago..I don't doubt that maybe they are the one who induce the France's Revolution Day(14/7/1789) or Bastille's day during Napolean Bonaporte's time...and it's quite near to the famous Opera House...

Ok, here is the Tuileries Garden, full of "embarassing" statues here(nak jalan pun susah, tunduk tengok jalan je)...tapi tak tengok lagi taman dia, mungkin cantik la...but we cross this garden just to get to the Musee du Louvre...

Oh la's very fortunate that I had the chance to meet Monsieur Zaili, my french teacher in SDAR...he is the one who teach me the basics and helps me to obtain my DELF A2 at Malaysia...thank you so much, Monsieur...dulu, cuma dengar aje Monsieur cerita pengalaman pergi Montreal, Besancon, etc...dan sekarang ni, tercapai juga hajat nak perg France, vous remercie pour tous vos vous souhaite toujours bonne sante

Aww... it's already the time to be separated with our seniors(except Adam and the Parisiens), thank you so much for guiding us around the Paris and we spend many unforgettable moments with all of you, merci, a bientot, insya-Allah...

":This is one of my member, Faisal(nak sangat, amek la) posing in front of the door of La Mosquee de Paris..."

Then, the muslims went to the Mosquee de Paris to perform solat Zuhur...and then, we ate at the Flunch(well, it's not easy to find any opened shop because it's Sunday...

"Group photo, sourire tout le monde!!"

Next, it's the famous Notre-Dame!!It took quite along time because we don't really know how to go, we just walk and walk for miles until we arrive at the Notre-Dame Cathedrale...we thought that we going to see the famous chapel(the one in the "Hunchback of the Notre-Dame"), but it requires us to pay for that and we need to queue for a long, we cancel the plan, anyway, thanks a lot to two Italian "mak cik" who help us find the way to the Notre-Dame, we appreciate your help a lot!!

It's getting late now and we were exasperated, but all of us were still determined to get close to La Tour Eiffel and planned to climb it up...So, here we go!!

Finally, after hellish long stairs, we finally arrived at the first floor of La Tour Eiffel....the view from above is also picturesque (maybe you can see the whole centre-ville from above, after all, they provide you the telescope)...and suddenly, the tower was illuminated by, I can't wait how's the view of the tower from below now...

Voila, how's that?Magnificent isn't it?Luckily they switched on the lights when it's  night only, if not, we may spend more time to take pictures(oh, by the way, all of the cameras' batteries almost depleted, so this is one of the reason why we didn't take so much pictures)...well, time to return back to the hotel, guys!!In addition of that, it's already midnight, let's sleep & resupply our energy for tomorrow...


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