
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2010
4 September 2010, hari ni kami pergi iftar di Besancon pula, lagi murah la tiket sebab sekarang ni dah tinggal di Colmar, kan?Tempoh perjalanan pun 2 jam je...dan, host bagi event ni ialah Abang Amal, yang merupakan tuan rumah untuk iftar ni... "Mulhouse dah ade Tram rupenye...Colmar bila lagi?" Before that, all of us went to Besancon by train  Colmar-->Mulhouse-->Besancon what a long journey...hehe, exagere btol... "This is the besancon's train station" Oh, akhirnya sampai juga di Besancon, anyway, ape yang bestnye pasal Besac(abbreviation for Besancon) ni, dia ada banyak padang besar2, bukit2...senang cerita memang banyak pokok2 di sini...rasanya kalau buat geology di sini, ok juga...boleh excavate banyak tempat...kalau kat grande ville, nak excavate kat mane, kan?And yang bestnye kalau winter nanti senang la nak main ski...hehe, tu pun kalau tak rase macam duduk dalam freezer... Ok, here it is, rumah abang Amal, dekat je dengan kedai kebab kat d

Mon nouveau lieu d'etudes!! Centre d'Etude des Langues(CEL)..

2 September 2010, we gonna have a class today, yeah, finally we will start our found-dat...ops, not yet, our preparation for baccalaureate need to be postpone because we need to improve our french language more for 2 months(what?again!?)...and so on, at the afternoon, we went to the class altogether with seniors... "Hey, what's up?Don't be gloomy on the very first day of class...chill out!!" For your information, we will continue our studies here in french language with 5 "happening"(betul la senior cakap, memang lain macam je cikgu kat Colmar ni) teachers, they use different methods to teach us, bring the education to a whole new level(whoa, hiperbola pulak...) "La class de Malaisie, tempat untuk solat dan tidurrrr......" Luckily here, we have our own personal class in IUT de pray and also, sleep while on break(siesta atau tidur sebelum masuk waktu zuhur baik untuk jantung, menurut kajian)...and it will officially be our class af

New life in Colmar...

1 September 2010 again , at the same day, the Colmar group embarked on a long, long journey to Colmar to Tours, it takes time from 8am until 6pm...alhamdulillah, sampai juga di Colmar safe and sound, but all my body parts were numb and aching all over.... "On break, while going to the Colmar..." Oh, despite of all that, we got a big, big, spacious room, our toilet have a bathtub, and we have our own personal kitchen(no need to worry about burglary...), but, the bad thing is the temptation to buy the furniture to make our rooms lively and also the rent is cheaper than in Tours... "Voila, very spacious but it looks lonely...need a roommate... " The place is not too developed due to it's situated at country-side, the buildings are quite old and many construction sites there...but, many interesting places haven't been visited yet(like, the Petit Venice and the mountains...) "The scenery outside....quite plain...but very tranquil" Upon our arriv

Depart a Colmar...a goodbye to my Torangeux friends....

1 September 2010, the day finally came, the day where all of us from FP11(French Programme 11) will be separated(one group will stay in Tours, will other group will go to Colmar) and continue to our own directions.after these 3 months we spend our times together... "playing billiards at L'heure Tranquille" We went to play arcades , billiards and bowling at L'heure Tranquille to commemorate our farewell...well, at least we all spent our times together to please our heart to the content.... "Last dinner with all of FP11 members" Not to forget, credits to those who organized the farewell party for all of FP11 members (p/s : the pizzas , wedges and the soft drinks were superb, all of us were satisfied)  "On the first floor of La Tour Eiffel" Thanks also for organizing so many trips to "quelques parts" and participate the trip... "On the verge of, on the edge of the border" Also, for always being together whether i

Demenage, demenage...c'est fatiguant..

31 Ogos 2010, hari ape ek?Oh3, lupe pula, hari ni hari kemerdekaan kali ke- 53 Malaysia....haha, baru berape bulan duduk sini(14 Julai hari kebangsaan bagi France, sempena menyambut Revolution day, 14 juillet 1789). Ape2 pun, hari ni bukan hari merdeka buat diriku sebab kene faire de demenager(pindah) dan Mme Poubelle(gelaran yang batch aku kasi kepada mak cik cleaner..) akan memeriksa setiap sudut bilik kami and keep searching every dust available there until it's totally clean and spotless...apa2 pun selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-53 buat semua warga Malaysia...jangan seronok2 sangat sampai tertinggal ibadat2 masa puasa...

Au revoir, Institut de Touraine...

27 Ogos 2010, It's the last day of all of us at the Institut de Touraine, here, I want to credit my thanks to Mme Katherine, Mme Annabelle, Mme Emmanuelle, M Said, Mme Christelle, Mml Edwige & Mml Helene for your teachings along this three months to improve my french....and also my classmates which also aid me in overcoming my difficulties in learning the french language... Thank you so much to Institut de Touraine for giving me the chance to make many precious memories...Je ne l'oublie pas...

Bon jeûne a tous les musulmans...

1 Ramadan 1431H, Di sini nak mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada semua muslimin di seluruh dunia terutamanya di France & Malaysia...jangan lupa hantar salam perantau sekali... "Group photo sebelum pergi buka puasa di rumah orang Turki..." Pak Arab(sebenarnya perkataan sensitif, sebab melambangkan rasis, tapi dah terbiasa guna) dan semua muslimin di France ni memang baik, suka belanja orang lain, terutama muslim dari negara lain(kalau di Malaysia susah nak jumpa ni...) tapi, yang tak bestnye dia kasi makanan berlebih-lebih sampai membazir pula...memang la bagus menjamu orang berpuasa sebab dapat bilangan pahala sama dengan orang yang berpuasa tu, tapi kalau dah sampai membazir tukan amalan syaitan?Ape2pun, couscous dan daging dia memang sedap(selalu dia hidang sup sebagai pembuka selera...dan barklava, fuh...sedap betul kuih tu, memang manis!!Kalau orang Kelantan konfem suke kuih barklava ni...) Lastly, nak pesan kepada sesiapa yang berpuasa di France ni tahan2 la si

Imarah Ramadan a Nice!!

13 Ogos 2010, it's already Ramadan!!So, our senior invited us to the Imarah Ramadan at Nice...huhu, although it's far and the tickets cost more than 200 euro(aller-retour)...but I still bought la, for the sake of unforgettable experiences, tak salah kan?... "Alhamdulillah, sampai juga dekat Nice..." Kalau nak tau, Nice is situated at the south-east part of France which was bordered with the Italy and also near to the, it is famous with many tourism spots and tourism as the main economy...and it also bordered with Monaco(there's one of  grand prix F1 circuit here...) which declared its independence and becomes Principaux de Monaco...then, Monaco became the second smallest country in the world... "Inside the Lunea train which provide night service(usually for long journey)" Ok, before that, we went to the Nice via Lunea train which provide bed for the passenger, we departed at 5pm from Tours and arrived to Paris in about 8pm and w

Sortie a Paris!! -Last day-

2 Ogos 2010, finallement, the last day at Paris, we need to leave the hotel in the morning and we had decided that we are going to visit the Musee du Louvre...but, unfortunately, I was separated with the group and went there alone(masa tu tak tahu la fikir tentang apa, memang otak tengah "blank" yang ingat just nak pergi musee je..). So, terkial2 la aku tengok map metro...tapi alhamdulillah sampai juga ke Musee du Louvre yang besar gedabak tu... "Under the Musee du Louvre" So, senang citer, Musee du Louvre  memang besar(ye la, kate muzium paling besar dekat dunia), sebenarnye binaan piramid kaca tu entrance dia je(pergi bawah tanah, boleh enter via piramid ataupun shopping mall underneath...and actually bangunan sekeliling piramid tu la muzium yang sebenar and it's divided into three major section and connected to each, jom masuk(bagi yang under age lagi, boleh masuk dengan tunjukkan pasport ke, ape2...) "Gambar Monalisa original tu..bukan