Depart a Colmar...a goodbye to my Torangeux friends....

1 September 2010, the day finally came, the day where all of us from FP11(French Programme 11) will be separated(one group will stay in Tours, will other group will go to Colmar) and continue to our own directions.after these 3 months we spend our times together...

"playing billiards at L'heure Tranquille"

We went to play arcades , billiards and bowling at L'heure Tranquille to commemorate our farewell...well, at least we all spent our times together to please our heart to the content....

"Last dinner with all of FP11 members"

Not to forget, credits to those who organized the farewell party for all of FP11 members
(p/s : the pizzas , wedges and the soft drinks were superb, all of us were satisfied) 

"On the first floor of La Tour Eiffel"

Thanks also for organizing so many trips to "quelques parts" and participate the trip...

"On the verge of, on the edge of the border"

Also, for always being together whether in sad or happy moments... 

"In front of embassy of Malaysia.."

I hopes that even though we are all separated in bodies, but our minds are strongly bonded together...merci beaucoup for giving me many precious momnets and experiences!!


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