Imarah Ramadan a Nice!!

13 Ogos 2010, it's already Ramadan!!So, our senior invited us to the Imarah Ramadan at Nice...huhu, although it's far and the tickets cost more than 200 euro(aller-retour)...but I still bought la, for the sake of unforgettable experiences, tak salah kan?...

"Alhamdulillah, sampai juga dekat Nice..."

Kalau nak tau, Nice is situated at the south-east part of France which was bordered with the Italy and also near to the, it is famous with many tourism spots and tourism as the main economy...and it also bordered with Monaco(there's one of  grand prix F1 circuit here...) which declared its independence and becomes Principaux de Monaco...then, Monaco became the second smallest country in the world...

"Inside the Lunea train which provide night service(usually for long journey)"

Ok, before that, we went to the Nice via Lunea train which provide bed for the passenger, we departed at 5pm from Tours and arrived to Paris in about 8pm and we departed again from Paris at 10pm and arrived to Nice at 9am next was hellish long journey from Tours and my body all ached from it...well, alhamdulillah, we arrived to Nice safe and sound...we are greeted by the seniors in front of the train station and decided to "jalan-jalan" to Monaco, accompanied by Adam (Besac)...

Kat sini just nak tunjuk betapa kritikalnya tabiat merokok orang France....Malaysia pun kalah....mungkin banyak camni sebab wanita pun join sekali merokok...dan kalau dapat sehari tu takde bau rokok memang beruntung...urgh, je deteste le cigarette....

"Voila, memang cantik tempat ni"

Well, although most of the places were full of mountains(due to the most of mountains situated at the south of France)...there are many houses and neighborhoods built on the mountain...and due to that also, it enables the tourist to have spectacular view from uphill...  

Firstly, all of us went to Jardin Exotique to see some exotic plants in France,'s quite....interesting, I think? Most of the plants were the cactus, with exceptional shape...well, maybe it's more interesting for those who loves nature so much, but I got bunch of unknown species of flowers there(especially the "Gothic" flower)

"Ni lah dia bunga "Gothic"(main bubuh je nama).."

"View from uphill..spectacular, isn't it?"

Next, we went to the place of the royal palace(well, some kind of that) on a hill and shopping for a while, well, just want to inform, it's quite pricey the things, prepare lots of money to buy the souvenirs...

"Rolls Royce tu...jangan main2..."

Next, destination...Casino!!Oh, mesti terkejut kan apsal nak pergi sana?Don't worry, we are not going to gamble(of course it's impossible for us!!)...we are just sight-seeing for prestigious cars like limousine, ferrari(melambak je kereta ni kat situ) and, kepada siapa2 yang memang peminat kereta2 mewah, memang kena datang sini la, rugi kalau tak datang...

"Time nak sahur, cam biasa la, semua muka mamai je..."

Dalam hujan lebat tu kami pun balik(memang adventurous betul perjalanan balik)...then, we had a tazkirah session before buka puasa...then masa buka puasa tu, emm...dapat makan bubur lambok!!Sedap betul!!Thanks kepada kaum hawa(betul ke penggunaan perkataan ni?) yang tolong masakkan bubur tu...and thanks also to Mr Faris sebab sudi meluangkan masa dengan kami(datang dari Paris via kereta tu...memang jauh sangat2)

"Lajunye Tram.."

Well, kalau nak tahu, di Nice ni ada Tram!!Memang laju, efektif dan menarik...tapi perkhidmatan bas masih dikekalkan, cuma bas pergi tempat yang rural dan spesifik, manakala tram selalunya berhenti di stesen2 besar dan utama sahaja...betulkan?Correct me if I'm wrong...

"Rupture de la jeune dans le train pour premiere fois"

Akhirnya, dapat juga balik ke Tours, meskipun terlepas first train(sebab train Nice-Paris lambat sampai)...semua muka tak puas hati la, penat2 lari dari Gare de Lyon sampai Gare Montpanarsse non-stop(macam lari cross country je rasa)...ape2 pun syukur dapat reimburse balik tiket...memang pengalaman yang tak dapat dilupakan kami...seusai tiba ke studio masing2, semua terbungkang atas katil(penat wooo...)...ape2 pun banyak pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang kami timba sepanjang perjalanan...


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