
Affichage des articles du août, 2010

Sortie a Paris!! -Second day-

Oh, it's already the second day in Paris...without realizing the time flows's already dawn, remarking the new day to continue unfinished journey... Ok, briefing sikit, today, we went to Sacre-coeur(Sacred-heart) situated in Anvers. For your information, this is one of the famous tourists spots in Paris(ye la, dah ramai orang datang...). Oh, anyway, it's actually a big cathedral which situated on the summit(ye ke?) of a hill, so you can see some parts of Paris from above...well, it's guaranteed that the view is breathtaking... Hm...looks reminiscing, right?This cable car looks like the one at the Bukit Bendera, Penang....well, at what you see, it helps us to get to above...and luckily, we didn't need to buy new ticket because we can use our metro ticket for this, quite convenience...oh, by the way, you can use stairs to get up there if you wish...    Voila, this is the Sacre-coeur's quite packed with many Christian devote

Sortie a Paris!! -First day-

31 Julai 2010, since it's holiday until Monday, all of the FP11 decides that we should travel to somewhere, so, to be precise, we decide to go to Paris!! Paris, here we come!!Well, it takes 1+ hour via TGV(train grande vitesse), though... In the Paris metro(subway train)...for your information, the metros here are quite old than the train in Malaysia, so, don't even hope they were air-conditioned.... Oh, lupe pulak...selalu kalau jalan2 ataupun masuk metro nanti jumpe la mamat macam ni...first die mula main muzik, then, die minta duit for his performance...bukan aku despise orang macam ni, tapi die macam suruh kite bayar untuk performance yang mungkin kite sendiri tak nak tengok...this shows how seriously unemployment problem in France, especially the artists whose not significant in their field, so, they continue doing street performance to earn some money to continue his life...but, this is better than those who become beggars , although they have the ability and s

Les spectacles a la Guinguette…

28 Julai 2010, it is the time for show time!! As usual, it’s spectacle de l’institut de Touraine!! To make it more interesting this time, we, FP11 finally participate in this event…and here’s our two energetic emcees with one of them is Saharil, notre camarade…so, let’s bring it on!! I like the performance by these guys…nice combination, I hope I will able to hear their song again in the future… Uh-oh, forgot to tell you, this is the animatrice de l’institut…so, she is the one who organises this “happening” event..merci bien for your effort… I like also the performance by this trio from Pakistan…well, what attracts me is they use their traditional instruments to, I enjoy it a lot… Finally, it’s here, the performance by notre camarade also, Ken…here, he combines with other group to sing “I’m yours” by Jason Mraz…nice song!! well, it’s already near 10 pm and the show ends with all of them dancing…but I’m too tired for that , so I went straight to

Summer sales!!Finally…

23 Jun 2010, the long awaited moment finally here!! Why ? Because its the start of the summer sales…which mean, there will be discounts every where!! From 30% until 70%!!Wow, memang joli habis la duit dalam akaun….so, to all FP11, please be aware of your money in the bank account!! This picture was taken at L’heure Tranquille, one of the famous spot for us to faire du shopping…well, sementara ada duit ni belilah barang2 yang nak, tambah2 pulak summer sales habis 3 Ogos nanti…tapi yang penting spend it on the necessities first…and remember its not our money, so don’t spend it to much on unnecessary things…instead, make use of it to prove that we are qualified to get the money…

Aux fetes musicales...

22 Jun 2010,it's the day where the Touraine( panggilan bagi orang Tours) celebrate the coming of the summer season. So, to commemorate this day, they held many musical bands and street performers along the specified street...the festival starts from 8 pm until 2-3 am(perhaps, I don't really remember) . This festival was held all along the Rue Nationale(from Arret Jean Jaures until Arret Anatole France) So, bagi kami yang tak reti2 nak tidur ni pergilah jalan2 dekat tempat2 tu... Nilah muke2 yang tak reti2 nak tidur...menunggu bas di Arret Place de la Liberte, sepatutnya dah tiada perkhidmatan bas mase2 macam ni(selalunye last bus pukul 8 pm)..tapi malam tu special la sikit sebab ramai orang ber'fete' , so, dia extendkan mase... Macam nilah suasana mase fete de la musique malam tu, happening jugak la tapi memang packed dengan ramai orang...macam2 bunyi bising yang ade...tapi layan je la.... Wah, galak giler mamat ni...sampai tepuk2 tangan lagi...anyway

Trip to Chateau de Chenonceau....

19 Jun 2010, well, still can't believe it was 2 weeks since I arrived here....senior ajak pergi ke Chateau de Chenonceau, not so far from Tours, but it looks like a country-side...a few days before the date....and semua response nak pergi sebab first time pergi voyage kat France & semua excited nak jalan2, so, allons-y!! Mase tengah tunggu bas kat Arret Jean Jaures, tiba2 terperasan la asap berkepul-kepul keluar dari van kat sebelah bas(nasib baik la van tu yg berasap, sebab ade member yang on board bas tu...) tapi tak tau la kenape van tu berasap...asalkan tak meletup sudah... wah3, bangunan ape ni?smart semacam je structure die....sebenarnye ni la Gare Tours...kirenye kalau kat Malaysia tu  rupe die macam Keretapi Tanah Melayu(KTM) la...dekat sini banyak je mesin untuk tempah tiket kereta api just cucuk je debit card...tapi nak bayar guna online pun boleh jugak, die hantar sendiri dekat, tak payah susah2 pergi kaunter untuk beli, ade reductio